These Chicago newspaper articles were provided to AB News! by a BassettHound by the name of Zachary Smith He was able to attend Angela and Courtney's Chicago book tour/signings last April. Heres what he told Angie B News!:
I'm elated to inform you that I was able to see my favorite actress in the world Ms. Angela Bassett as well as her husband superstar actor Mr. Courtney B. Vance this past weekend in Chicago.
At the book signing Saturday they peformed an excellent skit and took questions from those who attended. They both are very classy and down to earth individuals. Also I'm glad their Christians and that they just don't take any roles offered to them.
I was able to a picture with them which was a blessing because the owner prevented everyone after me to pose and take pictures with them. I'm glad I was able to because having a picture taken with Ms. Bassett is a chance of a lifetime.
Thanks for all of your help.
Zachary Smith
Great news!Chicago is really one cool place. Cool enough to be the home of the top hair color specialist and his amazing studio.