You can expect to "Meet the Browns" next year, March 21st 2008. Lionsgate, the distribution company behind all of Tyler Perry's films, stated recently that they'll be releasing Tyler's latest movies (including 'Browns') internationally instead of soley in the States thanks to the success of "Why Did I Get Married".
Quick AB Newsflash: The Bible Experience (The Old Testament Version) is now available on CD or MP3 format. I bought The New Testament version via Amazon.com but any mainstream online store will get you The Bible Experience.
To listen to a clip of Angela Bassett as Esther go to [Zondervan.com] Thanks to Jean at Zondervan!

According to CommercialAppeal.com, Courtney "Brown Eyes" Vance is also making an appearance in the upcoming film "Nothing But the Truth" along with his wife of 10 years. This marks the very first feature film the couple have collorborated on (excluding 1995's Panther). We have yet to find out which character Courtney is playing in the film but if Angela is "playing" the boss of a major newspaper then it wouldnt be a stretch if Courtney were her partner in deligating.
Excerpts from "Cast and Costume" by Barbara Bradley
A cap sleeve black dress Angela Bassett wears in "Nothing But the Truth" spotlights her toned arms, lending a subtle physical authority to her role as editor of the fictitious Washington newspaper, The Capital Sun-Times. Was that intentional?
"If you have to show something, it's better than your belly button," said Bassett, smiling, as she waited between scenes shot recently in The Commercial Appeal newsroom on Union Avenue.
But no. The Ellen Tracy belted dress was chosen for its sophistication, which may also account for Bassett's four-inch, stack heels, perhaps the tallest that ever traversed the real newsroom's ink-stained carpet.
Print journalists, never known for sartorial chic, may smile at the stylish duds worn by actors who portray them. (Actors get more beauty help too. At one point, Bassett snapped her fingers and someone rushed over and buffed her arms.) But so many considerations influence costume selection, it's a wonder actors ever emerge from their dressing rooms at all.
The cast includes Kate Beckinsale as the ill-fated reporter; Noah Wyle as a lawyer for the newspaper; Vera Farmiga as the outed agent; and Alan Alda as a high profile, smooth-talking attorney defending Beckinsale's character. Rounding out the stellar cast are Matt Dillon, David Schwimmer and Bassett's real-life husband Courtney B. Vance.
"I get to weigh in with my idea of the character," said Bassett. "I do have power suits, (for Bonnie Benjamin, the editor she portrays), but I felt she shouldn't be mannish. She's strong enough to express her feminine side."Sometimes actors get to keep the clothes they wear in the film, said Bassett, which can make choosing what is right for the character painful. "Angela loves that!" said Bassett, breaking into a wide smile as she recalled a proposed outfit she had felt it necessary to discard. "But that is going," she told herself. "It's not Bonnie. Bonnie wouldn't wear that."
Read the entire article at [CommercialAppeal.com]

When does she have time to think? I know Simo is loving this, but she needs to slow down! Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to every movie she is working on, but the twins need to see their Mommy ;-)
Angie if you're listening...dont listen to Amanda. I know it feels great to be on set everyday, doing what you love, keeping food in the twins' tummies. Making sure they can go to the best public school available. Plus how are you going to get that way overdue Oscar if you dont bust out those movies every year? You just keep working Ang.
To Amanda- Dont make me hurt you girl. I dont care if you are the black G.I. Jane. We havent seen this many AB movies since 95' and its not like shes gone all year. Just 6 weeks of filming and shes back with Court and the twins. Geesh am I going to have to make you eat the cake, Anna Mae? :)
Next time anything I see Angela Bassett on the web, I know where to come to. ;)
oh man...yall are corny. smh
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