Random Angie B News!
I'm getting more and more excited about "Meet the Browns" the movie and heres the source of my excitement:
Two New Movie Stills of Angela Bassett in MTB
Two New Movie Stills of Angela Bassett in MTB

*Ever since I've seen these pictures I've been trying to get that wavy haired look Angie's got in this movie. But my version isnt as well done. Anybody know the secret to Angela's waves? Email me!*
Tyler Perry disclosed (via his email updates at tylerperry.com) that he'll be releasing the movie trailer for "Meet the Browns" very soon. So I'll be posting the trailer as soon as its available.
Heres a radio interview Angela did just last month in Memphis while filming "Nothing But the Truth"
In anticipation of the release of "Of Boys & Men" next month herea a picture of Angela on the set of the film last March 2007:

I can't wait for this movie!!! Even though I am going to be in this God forsaken country when it comes out, I am still looking forward to it. As always, Angie B looks good, and it's nice seeing her in a Tyler Perry film. If it's anything like the play, I already know I am going to be rolling on the floor laughing. Dis Is Yo Grandiddy!!!! LOL
LMAO! I saw "Meet the Browns" live and they were just stupid funny. Angie is going to give it some class, but I dont know how much she can even do for Mr. Brown.
I wish you could see it Manda. Just tell them: "I'm requesting temporary leave of absence to go back to the States. Angela Bassett's movie is coming out." LOL! Shoot it might work if there are some BassettHounds in the Army.
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