Angela Bassett and Courtney B. Vance will be launching their "Friends: A Love Story" book on Valentine's Day, with a tour kicking off in New York at month's end that will keep the show business power couple busy into summer.
It almost didn't happen.
"It turned out to be a much larger story than Hollywood romantic love," says Vance of the Harlequin Enterprises offering. "It's a story of courage, commitment, the power to change -- the transforming power of love. Our love has turned around both our families."
The Vances met at Yale drama school, have been wed 10 years, have 1-year-old twins and armloads of awards and nominations (an Oscar for her, two Tonys for him) between them. They "expected a bidding war" among publishers for their he said/she-said-style tome. It didn't happen, he candidly admits.
"Most of them want the 'He slapped her, he has five kids outside the relationship, she walked out' kind of story.'" Bassett and Vance are hoping the public is interested in something "more positive and inspiring," dealing with "that mystery of how two people become one." We'll see.
*The couples' first scheduled book-signing is in Los Angeles, California. They'll be at the Eso Won Bookstore on Feb. 20th 7pm, discussing and signing Friends: A Love Story
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