Angela is featured on the cover of the March 2007 edition of More Magazine which is in stores now.
It details the book; following her life and ending with questioning her on handling twins at her age. They bring up the fact that Angela will be in her 60’s when her kids enter college, but Angie quickly reminds them that she will be a good looking 60. (Which we all know to be the truth, since Mrs. Angie B only gets better with time ;-)
Along the way they have added interviews with several of Angela’s friends and what they remember during certain times of Angela's life.
Angela Bassett: Use what you can’t undo
Actress Angela Bassett gets candid about the rocky relationship with her father in an interview with More magazine.
As a child, Bassett said, she rarely saw her dad. Once she was in college, the visits were distressing at best. On one occasion, Bassett said her father tried to give her marijuana. On another visit, what should have been a sweet kiss goodbye was anything but. Bassett’s not-so-fatherly figure put his tongue in her mouth.
“When he did that, I was just angry, and angry at myself that I didn’t slap the ---- out of him,” Bassett told the mag. Instead, the 48-year-old actress said she opted to hold on to the emotions as fuel for future acting gigs. “Use it,” Bassett said. “I can’t undo it.”
O damn damn DAMN! I had things to do today too. Shoot....ok I'm going to the store, RIGHT NOW to pick it up! That interview looks grrrreat!! EEEEEEEEEEEE!
Thanks for the heads up, Manda girl.
One more thing:
"A good-looking 60"
Yeah right, thats the biggest understatement I've heard in a long time. I was walking around campus with my copy of Friends the other day and this girl looked at the cover, wide-eyed, and said:
"DAMN, Angela stay looking good. How old is she?"
You know me, I came back quick with, "48"
She said "...DAMN! She nearly 50 years old looking my age!"
:D I just laughed.
OMG stuck his tongue in her mouth??? what theeeeeee. Well there are men out there like that. I've come across some but by the grace of God never had to deal with anything like that. And it will be only by His grace that i never will!
Let me know if the mag is out. i still haven't seen the Upscale magazine???
Yeah aint that just a shame?? When I first read that, I thought
"Dang I thought I had a bad father."
It says alot about Angela's character that she was able to get past that and live her life. Shes am amazing person.
Ummm how the heck do you NOT have the Upscale mag yet, Tash?!?! What theeeee. Ok ok just go down the street to Walmart on Rainer, they should have it.
If you dont mind missing a pivotal piece of the Angie B collection though, you can read the entire Upscale article on the blog. I posted it up a while back.
But if theres one thing I know, its that you are going to want it for the collection. So GO GET IT, girl!
(and I'll stop acting like this comment is one of our emails! LOL!)
I was about to ask you where you been Tacia...but I forgot you haven't read the book yet. It's things like that I was talking about, but Simo said it was nothing really shocking...Miss know it all LOL
But the mag is out, I got mine at Barnes and Noble.
O why you hatin' Manda?!?!?
LOL! I didnt mean that part wasnt shocking. Of course reading about her Dad doing the total opposite of what a father should do was shocking (straight out of Eve's Bayou craziness, maybe thats why she didnt do that movie)....but thats about it that was shocking for me.
There was some really funny parts, nothing really shocking. Some really silly parts (like "Ang why would you do that?"), but nothing shocking.
We'll talk more Ms. Hater. heehee :D
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